Monday, June 24, 2024

Throuple Next Door


Title: Throuple Next Door
Author: Andrew Grey
Genre:  M/M Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 18, 2024
Edition/Formats Available In: eBook & Print

Austin knew change was inevitable, but he hadn’t counted on just how difficult it was going to be… for all of them. He, Weaver, and Randy have been together for two amazingly hot years, and then with a single decision, everything is different. When Randy receives an offer on his gyms in Brooklyn, he jumps at it and switches careers with a teaching job in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Weaver is also interested in making a change after nearly burning himself out as a lawyer. With both of his passionate partners needing something new and Austin’s modeling career cooling as he ages, the three of them decide to relocate from New York to Carlisle. Randy settles into his new position, and Weaver easily lands on his feet, but Austin wonders how he is going to fit into their new world.

Austin knows he has the support of the men he loves, and who love him, but he needs to pull his weight. With very few prospects, what could small-town life hold for him? Randy and Weaver have their special way to make him forget, but it will take more than love and hot sex for the throuple next door to start the next chapter in their lives.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Love At First Swipe by Andrew Grey


Title: Love At First Swipe
Author: Andrew Grey
Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 4, 2024
Edition/Formats Available In: eBook & Print 
Darby Wright has fought for his independence ever since he lost 
his sight as a child. But even now that he has his own home and a 
good job, his overprotective mother doesn’t believe he can handle 
himself. Darby’s determined to prove her wrong, but there are 
some things—like finding his guide dog’s potty accident—where an 
extra set of eyes would come in handy.
Enter See For Me, an app that connects blind clients with sighted 
volunteers. See For Me is designed for just this sort of emergency, 
and it’s through this app that Darby meets Reynaldo. Lust at first 
voice turns to more when Darby and Reynaldo run into each other 
at a local sandwich shop, where Renaldo seems as nice in person as he was in app.
With Reynaldo, Darby can feel his world expanding. Reynaldo doesn’t just support him but 
understands him and sees Darby as more than his disability. But will being with Reynaldo mean 
giving up Darby’s hard-fought independence, or will it mean gaining something more than he ever 